Monday, September 20, 2010

THANK YOU A2!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday at church I was commissioned by Pastor Chris and my A2 church family into the mission field and my journey into Ensenada. I want to thank everyone for their prayer, support, and encouragement I received during and after the service. I'm more pumped about going now than I ever have been!

Another thing I want to thank the body of A2 for is the financial support I received to help cover the cost of my outreach phase of my training. I was overwhelmed by how much love I felt from everyone and I can't really express how thankful I am to have been blessed so much by the people of A2.

Well...I'm really going to miss everyone, and its going to be hard being away from my church family on Sundays and Wednesdays. But I know that soon I will be worshiping and serving God with a whole new family from different states and countries. So I guess I'll end this by thanking everyone again for all of your support and prayer. I am very grateful and feel truly blessed to have you guys in my life!


  1. So excited for you Nick! I can't wait to hear and read about what the Lord is doing in your life. I am praying that you have an awesome time, have great life experiences, grow closer to God everyday, and He clearly shows you where He wants to lead you in the future.

    Right now I am jealous of a friend from college. Her name is Mary Garrigan and she and her husband work with YWAM in Montana. She said right now in Montana it is 34 degrees with frost on the ground!

  2. We are so excited for you! We'll be following your updates so keep 'em coming. And I hope you have some great time with your dad!
